About Hannes Poetter

I was born and raised in Germany, married my wife Ulrike in 1971 in Hamburg and moved to New York City in 1973.As a commodity trader I traveled around the world selling US Grains to far away countries.
In 1984 I relocated my family to Stilwell, Kansas and finally retired from the grain business in 1992.We had already invested a good part of our money in real estate and kept on adding to it.In 1992 I made my Kansas real estate license, using it mostly for our own investments.
This is about the time we discovered Paola, Kansas and fell in love.We bought 150 acres in the country and started to buy some commercial buildings in Paola. We built our new home in 1997 and moved to the "farm" just outside Paola.I can not imagine a nicer neighborhood to live in, nor a bunch of nicer people to live amongst.
We can be within minutes in the KC Metro area if we want, but most of our shopping we can do right here in Paola. The schools are great, the quality of life is outstanding, and the location is perfect.So, when I tell you about Miami, Johnson, Linn, Anderson, and Franklin County, it's not just talk, but we walk the walk. I hope I can show you around and get you to become as enthusiastic about our lifestyle as I am.



33 years